De betrouwbaarheid van DNA testen

fennemaWhich of the internationally offered DNA tests for inherited diseases are useful for creating healthy dog breeds in the Netherlands.




Lees hier het verslag van het Masteronderzoek van Maaike Fennema:


The change of the ‘’Wet Dieren’’, by the Dutch government, requires the breeders to screen their parental dogs for inherited diseases. Since the breeders and the veterinarians have to apply the DNA tests and they do not have all the knowledge about these test, this study aims to make a list including all the available DNA test on the Dutch market. To know if the offered test are substantiated, they will be evaluated using a set of criteria developed during this project. First, all the DNA test were gathered from the four biggest laboratories for the Dutch market, Laboklin, VetGen, Van Haeringen and Optigen. This resulted in a list containing 120 different diseases. In this article the focus was on cardiovascular and blood diseases, metabolic and immune problems and eye disorders. If the DNA test fulfil the criteria they will be published on the website of ‘Expertisecentrum Genetica Gezelschapsdieren’. The most important criterion was that there was a peer reviewed article available about the mutation they tested on. So for all the DNA tests, articles were searched and reviewed. The research resulted in a list of in total 11 cardiovascular and blood diseases, 23 metabolic and immune problems and 27 eye disorders.

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